On Tuesday, May 9th, Charlie Barrineau of the Municipal Association of South Carolina presented a plaque at our city council meeting. Council has been recognized by MASC for being on the Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government 2023 Honor Roll. Only 17 cities and towns earned this recognition. Simpsonville is the only city in Greenville County to receive this honor. This accomplishment is a testament to the dedication and hard work put in by every member of city council. And this is the second time we have received this honor during my term.

Achieving this isn’t an easy thing to do. It is a result of significant amounts of personal time invested by each member of council. The training and certification for each member comes from attending multiple in-person training days and hours of online classes. Council's commitment to continuous learning has made us stronger and more effective as council members and as a council as a whole.

I have been a member of many professional organizations during my career, and I rank MASC as the best. MASC provides the Institute of Government, general conferences, and underpins the Mayor’s Association along with many other excellent services for the communities across our state. All of these services and programs are excellent. MASC certainly helped me get my feet on the ground when I was a new mayor.
As the mayor of Simpsonville, I am truly grateful to the members of city council for their dedication and service to our community. The efforts of council have helped to ensure that our city is well-managed and has put Simpsonville on a solid footing for the future. This town is simply buzzing and a lot of that buzz comes from having a strong council.
Once again, I extend my sincere congratulations and gratitude to the members of the Simpsonville City Council for their achievements and for their service to our community.